Proyect #12: Final Project

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Conceptual self portrait


The principal design element used in this artwork is the grid. Circles, as the main shape, keep the viewer’s eye driven within. The arrangement of every element and the different colors of the background create a grid with two focal points. The main focal point is made of the red primary color circle. The secondary focal point is made of the multicolored circle. Using the grid and the repetition of shapes helps to activate the entire picture plane.

Several lines are placed to produce movement, unity, and visual flow. These lines create a directional dominance pointing to the focal points. The secondary focal point helps to observe the principal focal point. Using repetition of lines, such as verticals, diagonals, and horizontals, is evident in the creation of the directional conflict between them without losing the principal direction.

The range of color value makes the objects overlap creating harmony and union between them. The void between circles, lines, and squares creates the various implied lines rounding the focal points. The viewer is given the opportunity to see both the circle and demonstrate compressed and expanded space.

Understanding the color wheel in this piece, it is possible to see it within. Staring with the primary yellow color and its value. Following the analogous colors, complementary color as green, and finishing with the primary blue color, makes the entire piece balanced, harmonious, clean, and symmetrical.

The way those elements are placed creates the concept or idea of a controlled composition. Every single piece, color, line, and grid are planned to demonstrate how I like to be organized and plan as well as how I like the attention to detail.

Even though the composition describes my personality, it can be confused as controlled ideas or energetic, due to how are arrange the colors.

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