Project #3: Variation of Line


Variation of Line


Different lines are placed within the composition. The organic curve line is creating an ambiguous, abstract shape that represents exaltation, movement, and fluency. The vertical and horizontal lines are overlapping producing confusing and anxious lines while still keeping order. The converging lines pointing down, represent roughness and weakness.

The variety of lines such as thick, thin, and fine keep the viewer’s eye within. Even the composition has different lines; the line direction is placed for the diagonal lines in as much as the other lines are pointing and revolving around them. At he same time the diagonals are implied lines guiding the eye through the piece of artwork and creating organizational structure within.
It is possible the cross hatching lines due to its intensity could catch the viewer’s attention instead.

Even though the composition is harmonious and unified, it keeps a negative space around it, all while maintaining the integrity within.

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