Project #5: Black and White Shape Composition


Black and White Shape Composition


This composition is defined by a group of three biomorphic shapes creating movement, visual flow, and keeping the viewer’s eye within. Using biomorphic shapes within, is describing the use of rounded abstraction shapes based on those found in nature; in this composition water drops were the inspiration.

The positive and negative spaces are determining the overall composition. The positive space helps to define the boundaries of the biomorphic shapes that, in turn, cleverly carve out shapes in negative space intentionally in both compositions. In Both compositions is evident visualize the creation of the figure and ground making them harmonious and unified. All the shapes and negative spaces are activated within.

Even though both compositions have approximately fifty percent of the paper is utilized for the combination of the three biomorphic shapes, the dimension of every shape creates a visual distort of the ground, being this utilized in less proportion.

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