Project #8: Organizing the Random


Organizing the Random


Each element used within the artwork has been selected randomly. The way those elements were place, creates the concept or idea of a dramatic composition. Black tape, black thread, and Pitt pencils are producing several textures and values. In addition, using the grid and the repetition of shapes, help to activate the entire picture plane.

It is evident visualize the creation of the figure and ground making. The harmonious, unified, and sense of space are within the creation. The directional dominance and directional conflict between lines defined the focus point without losing the principal direction.

The void between every shape creates the various implied lines making perfect geometric figures. The viewer’s eye is looking at the whole composition. All the elements were named before generate visual flow to keep the attention of the viewer within.

Even though, the whole artwork achieves the sense of drama, the first view is very strong to the viewer’s eye.

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