Something has not been discussed enough in society. – The Elders Forgotten

Hello! are you latina? Yes, I am. I replied. I knew it. I am from Mexico. I still can recognize “la sabrosura latina.” Look at mine! She said smiling. – Jade, 73 years old.

Not speak English very well. Just one picture. No makeup on my face. Ugly, ugly. – Rosa, 77 years old.

Can you take a picture of me? Of course. I said. I wish I had my family here. She said while she was combing her hair. Why would you like to have your family here? I asked her. Becasue I miss them. Well, they don’t miss me, you know?. But any way, I want to send them my picture. I’m ready. She said looking at the camera. – Anait, 75 years old

Señorita, de donde es usted? Soy de Colombia, dije. Hmm, entonces hablemos en español. Va a volver a visitarnos? – Miss, where are you from? I am from Colombia. I replied. Hmm, so let’s talk in Spanish. Are you going to come back to visit us? – Ronald, 81 years old

Toma la foto rapido. Estoy escribiendo. – Take the picture fast. I’m writing. – Carlos, 72 years old

Miss, I am a professional actor. I know how to pose for a picture. No worries. – Robert, 91 years old













































Do you like to read? Uy, not to much. I said. Well you must read. Only the things you have in your mind are going to be there for ever. – Judy, 70 years old, and her husband Carl, 82 years old


What time is it? 9:30 am, I replied. I returned, and again she asked me the time. 9:35 am. I said. “ This is a nursing home. Here time runs in slow motion, but this is the place where we are not forgotten, at least. ” She said to me looking at her watch. – Luz, 77 years old







I am here alone. My daugther… I do not know where she is… Can I sing a song for you? Sure, I would like to hear you singing. I said. She started to sing ” El Violin de Becho – Tango. ” When I heard her voice I had tears in my eyes. Why are you crying? I do not know. I said. Well I am very sentimental too. Stop crying or I am going to cry with you. She said laughing – Teresa, 81 years old
















…It is a big room with a clock and a television hanging on the gray walls. Light comes in through the large windows and bounces in the center of the place. Around a dozen of elderly remain seated in chairs, sofas, or wheelchairs. Do not speak. Others are asleep. Some are reading the newspaper, others watching television. Most of them are sitting down, as if they were waiting for a lover to take them out to dance.

I walked next to one of them. She was wearing a purple scarf and she asked me the hour. 9:30 am, I replied. I returned, and again she asked me the time. 9:35 am. “This is a nursing home. Here time runs in slow motion. This is the place where we are not forgotten, at least.” She said to me looking at her watch…

Many of the elderly are alone, some never married and had no offspring, and others were abandoned because their children had to work or because they became ill. Some of them were moving from state and upon reaching old age; they found their souls alone and away from their families…

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